Thursday, December 31, 2009
Year End Update
In November Jason got his tonsils taken out. That was a rough three weeks. During that time I got bronchitis, which eventually became walking pneumonia. I am just now getting over that. Cough, cough.
Also during this time Ryan got bitten in the face by a dog. Urgent care, stitches, swelling, ointment, more swelling, more ointment. It was not fun. He has a couple of scars, but is otherwise unscathed. Thank God.
Just a few short weeks after the dog bite came another ER visit for Ryan after he swallowed a button battery. Call the poison control center (for the second time in three years), rush to the ER, xray, waiting room. Ta-da! Look at that! What a shiny, lovely battery right there in your stomach honey! Following the battery swallowing came two weeks of "looking" for it at the other end. I won't go into details. Suffice it to say, it was a smelly ordeal. Since we never "found" it, we went to the doctor a couple of days ago for another xray, and, again Thank God, the battery is gone. "He musta slipped it by ya!" The doctor says with a sly grin. Nice. At least we don't have to look for it anymore.
And before we knew it, it was Christmas and we were jetting off to Gig Harbor and Anacortes to spend time with the Grandparents. We logged a lot of miles this Christmas, but it was well worth it. We had a great time visiting and playing together, and were happily tuckered out by the time we got home.
And today is New Year's Eve. With all the excitement of the last couple of months, I think we will spend the last day of the year in our pajamas!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Jesus continued...
You might remember we've been having lots of discussions with Ryan about how Jesus heals us and how He lives in our hearts. We have talked about how Jesus is healing Ryan's "bubbles." Ryan tells us every day about how "Jesus makes my fee better." So, enter me. The picker. You have to understand, Ryan has these blisters everywhere. They are not soft like water blisters. They are hard and getting harder as they heal. I was curious. I wanted to know if they were gonna burst grody virus juice everywhere or if they were gonna just return from whence they came, so to speak. So, I grabbed Ryan's finger in one hand, and a piece of paper towel in another hand (ready for the grody virus juice) and I picked the blister off. No juice. Thank goodness. Just a red spot. Ok, I can handle this. Ryan, on the other hand is totally squirming around "Mommy, let go." I let go. Ryan inspects his finger. Solemn faced, he looks at me. "Mommy, Jesus is not gonna be happy about this." Oops.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Where Jesus Lives
A couple of nights ago as I was putting him to bed, we were praying about "his bubbles" as he calls them. Having just returned from Women's Retreat the previous weekend and having enjoyed some powerful worship time, I decided to sing worship songs over him. "I will sing praise, I will sing praise, no weapon formed against me shall remain. I will rejoice, I will declare, God is my victory and He is here...." Ryan is curious about this. "God is here?" "Yes honey, He is. Honey, do you know where Jesus lives?" I ask. Ryan thinks for a second. "Hmm?" I go on. "He lives in our hearts. He lives in your heart, and He lives in my heart." I pat our chests. Ryan pats his chest. "Jesus lives in my heart," he repeats. I am loving this and thinking that I have imparted a profound wisdom to my little boy here. God is good and this is such a sweet God moment.
The following morning we are snuggling in the rocking chair like we do every morning. We are quiet, and cozy and wrapped in a blanket. Ryan looks up at me. "Mom, Jesus makes my bubbles feel better." "I am so glad, honey." Suddenly, Ryan turns and begins pulling at the blanket. He unwraps us and grabs a hold of my tank top. He pulls open my top and sticks his head down my shirt. "Jeeeesssuuuusss! Jeeesuuuuuuus! Are you in there? Jeesuuuuss!" Not exactly what I was trying to teach him last night, but o well.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Being a mom means...
Never going to the bathroom alone again.
Having to blow on someone else's food while you're dying to eat yours.
Researching and appreciating the finer points of stain removers.
Getting over your squeamishness of other people's bodily functions.
Learning the true meaning of the word repetition.
Being the recipient of the best good morning snuggles on the planet.
Never sleeping again.
Morphing craft time from knitting and beading to finger paint and sidewalk chalk.
Needing the phone number for poison control for the first time in your life.
Trying to explain why balloons don't stay up forever.
Never being able to have your plate of food belong to only you again.
Loving someone more than you ever thought possible.
Friday, September 11, 2009
I swear I don't make this stuff up
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Then I hit my thirties and that all changed. It is almost like my physical age caught up with my intellectual age. Like the two time lines, once vastly different, are tracking exactly parallel to each other now. In fact, in all honesty, I think my physical age is actually beginning to surpass my intellectual age. Crap. How did this happen? I am no longer viewed as mature beyond my years. I don't stand out from my peers. I am not praised anymore for my maturity, intelligence, poise, and wisdom. I have spent the last few years struggling to reconcile this new me with my memories of the old me. In truth, I still don't have all the answers. Here is what I do know. I know that being a mom is the most important thing I have ever done, and that "mommy brain" is a price I am willing to pay. I know that I am still special to the Lord even if I don't feel special to the world. And I know that no matter what phase of life I am in, I will always be special to two boys who are very special to me. And that is enough for me. And I am totally okay with it.
Ok, I can't stand it. If you read the above post and feel sorry for me, please don't. I did not write it so a bunch of people would respond with notes about how great I am. I am not fishing for compliments or an ego boost here. My ego is just fine. I am not complaining. I am not depressed. Trust me. If I was, I never would have written this post.
Here's why I wrote it. One, I wrote it because it was on my mind, and has been for a while. Two, I wrote it because I truly (finally) do feel okay about it. Three, and most importantly, I have heard this same kind of story from others and thought (and this is the point which proves how fine my ego really is) that my experience and thoughts about this might be of help to someone feeling the same way.
The point of the story is to be happy with who you are not because of what other people think of you or say about you, but because of who you are to the One who created you. Because of who you are to your children, your husband, your wife. These are the most important relationships, and for me, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. So please don't feel compelled to tell me how cool I am. Unless you just genuinely can't help yourself. And if that's the case, I'll just smile and say "thanks."
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Explosion in the spare room
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Rain coat and toothpaste
Its raining today. Ryan is running around the house with his rain coat on. With the hood up. Its very important to have the hood up, apparently. Jason went into the bathroom to finish getting ready, and made the discovery that "running around" is not all Ryan has been doing in his rain coat. I have no idea. To us, it is a mess. To a three year old boy, it is a super fun Saturday morning game.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Sentences you never thought you'd say
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Sleeping in the tent
Last night we decided to put up the tent that Ryan's Grandpa Apple and Grandma Mo got him for his birthday. We were watching two extra kids for the evening and so we had quite the full house. We played outside in the back yard. We played in the tent. We watched movies. We had dinner. We had snacks. We screamed, we yelled, we giggled. When it was all said and done, Jason and I were exhausted. But in a good way.
Ryan was totally into the idea of "camping out" in the tent. So, we hauled it down the hall and into his bedroom. Jason lined up blankets on the floor and got his pillows in there, just so. Ryan crawled in and I got him under the covers. I crawled in next to him and we did our regular night time snuggles and kisses. We said prayers. After prayers Ryan said, as he sometimes does, "Can Daddy lay down me?" I said, "Sure Honey, Daddy can lay down with you." So Jason and I made the switch and I went off to get ready for bed. A little while later after the house was shut down, the lights were off, the dog was in bed, and I was ready to head that way myself I heard the boys talking quietly as I walked by Ryan's bedroom door. I decided to give them a bit more time and so I headed into the office to get on the computer. As often happens, I lost track of time on the computer. Email, Facebook, random news stories I don't actually care about. Suddenly a strange sound interrupted my sleepy, internet induced haze. At first I couldn't quite place it. Then it hit me. Snoring. I hadn't even heard Jason go to bed. I turned off the computer and headed to the bedroom. Jason wasn't there. He wasn't in the bathroom either. I crept down the hallway and peeked into Ryan's room. There they were, fast asleep. In the tent. Jason snoring away and Ryan snuggled up to him, both of them out like a light. I couldn't bear to wake Jason, so I crept back into my room, crawled in bed, and fell asleep to the sound of my sleeping campers down the hall.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Day two with no "b" (pacifier)
Ryan "Mommy, where's my b?"
Me "Remember honey? You cut your b's off. We don't have anymore b's."
Ryan "Maybe we can go to Walmart?"
Me "Why do you want to go to Walmart, honey?"
Ryan "Maybe we can go to Walmart and get a new b? Would that be great Mommy?"
He is so cute I don't know what to say. I tell him again how b's are for little babies, and how he is a big boy and doesn't need a b, and as my heart melts, I think about how hard it is for mommies to give up the b's too.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
My Mother's Day present
We did the whole thing again the next night, except with actual marshmallow roasting forks we got at the store. It is an awesome Mother's Day present. Thanks honey!
I'm a princess...apparently
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Guilt is a funny thing
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Warning...this is a gross one
Then we got home. To our disgust we discovered that Sam, who had been in his kennel for the few hours we were gone, had an "accident." There is no way to describe the smell in the house. Poor Sam, covered in poop, was laying in his kennel looking pathetic. There was poop all over the kennel. There was poop all over the carpet. It was disgusting.
Immediately we put Ryan in his room with a Curious George show to watch on the little dvd player, put Sam outside, took the kennel outside, and turned on the hose. While Jason hosed down the kennel and scrubbed it out, I went to work on the carpet with the steam cleaner. We opened all the windows and turned on the fans. Jason gave Sam a bath. By ten o'clock it was all cleaned up and the smell was fading. We emptied a bottle of Febreze in the house and left the windows open all night.
Thankfully, this morning, other than the kennel being in a different spot, you'd never know what we were doing late last night.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Mixed Metaphors
Explaining to my friend Kelly that a circumstance is not new to me I say, "This is not the first time I've been around this wagon..."
Here are a couple from my Dad, "We were really taking it in the bath." Decipher: We were taking it in the shorts.... or We were taking a bath...
In a discussion with Jason I say, "Well, let's not hatch the chickens before they lay..." Once again, not sure what exactly I meant to say here, but it made sense at the time.
And of course there's the classic "You're barking up a dead horse." But, I think my Dad made that one up on purpose just to be silly. Stay tuned. The more tired we are the funnier they get.
Friday, July 31, 2009
I'm a total homebody
So, I went out of my comfort zone today and invited some friends over. And they are here now. Gonna go be social. Cool.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Here is an excerpt from an article on the web about the Emmy nominations
The dividing line falls neatly between the adventurous shows fielded by niche cable networks and the largely mainstream, predictable offerings from broadcasters.
"It couldn't be on any broadcast network," said "Breaking Bad" star Bryan Cranston, a best-actor nominee. "Ten, 15 years ago you'd say that was a downfall. Now it's one of the positive points of television. If you can be a show that's on cable instead of broadcast, more than likely, you have a much greater chance of producing quality television." "
I'm sorry. Since when does a polygamous family and a meth-making school teacher qualify as "quality television"?
Apparently programs need to be "edgy" and "adventurous" to be considered quality television. Apparently the definition of "edgy" and "adventurous" is "sinful" and "illegal". If you're not, you're mainstream and predictable. How boring.
Now, admittedly, I haven't seen any of these shows since we don't have those channels. I am only commenting on the concept that if it is inappropriate for broadcast tv, it is more likely to be a lower quality show. I bet House, Lost, 30 Rock, and The Office would disagree as well.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Almost there
In the short time we lived in Washington we really did do a lot of things. First and foremost, we strengthened and deepened our relationship with our parents. Ryan has gotten to know his grandparents very well and has built relationship with them in ways he wouldn't have had we not come here.
Second, since we had very few friends here, Jason and I really learned to rely on each other in a new and different way. We became better friends. In marriage, especially with kids, it is so easy to get distracted by the day to day, the bills, the kids, the house, jobs, and all the little details of raising a family. Sometimes you forget to have fun with each other. This last year and a half we had so much fun as a couple and as a family. Whether it was Point Defiance Zoo, NW Trek, the beach at Tolmie State Park, the little park by our house, Hand's On Children's Museum, Seattle Center, or just in our back yard we learned how to play again and that has been awesome.
Another bonus of moving was me getting out of my sheltered shell. I had never lived anywhere other than in Clackamas County. Ok, Gladstone, Canby, Milwaukie, sure they're different cities, but really, not too different. Moving to Washington forced me out of my comfort zone and opened my eyes to new places, new people, and somewhat a new side of myself. I never knew I was a person who could not only experience all that "newness,", but a person who could actually enjoyed it as well.
Financially the move has been great for us. The Lord got us out of the Canby house just as the market was crashing, and got us into this house and Jason into his job at Dex in just the right market for him to shine and excel the way he has. The experience and sucess he had in Olympia made a huge impact on him getting the job in the Portland market. We are both very excited to see what the Lord has in store for us in this area.
As for me, I have been clinging to two truths for the last several months. The first is,
Hebrews 10:23
23 Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.
And the second is,
Isaiah 54:11:12
11 “O storm-battered city,
troubled and desolate!
I will rebuild you with precious jewels
and make your foundations from lapis lazuli.
12 I will make your towers of sparkling rubies,
your gates of shining gems,
and your walls of precious stones.
Although I have sometimes felt like a storm battered city with all the change and chaos that have been the last two years, I trust in the Lord and I know He is faithful to keep His promises. He is rebuilding us with precious jewels and making our foundations from lapis lazuli. We are almost there...
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Sometimes you really should listen to your kids
Monday, June 29, 2009
These days you gotta be smarter than your smartphone
So, after the last three days of blundering around and feeling like a total idiot, I give up. I don't need Internet access from my phone. I don't need yet another way to check my email. I don't "tweet." I don't want fifty different ways to contact every person I know. I just want to make a call now and then. So, once again, I am off to the post office to send the smart phones back in return for...a dumber phone? Maybe. Or at least one that doesn't have me wishing for the days of rotary dials and cords again.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Good Job Honey!
Me: "Why are your pants off honey?"
Me: "Honey, did you go potty?"
Ryan: "Yes!" Big smile on his face.
Me: "Good job honey. Where did you potty?" Knowing full well I did not hear him in the bathroom.
Ryan: "Outside!" Even bigger smile.
Me: "On the deck outside or in the grass?" Please be on the grass...please be on the grass....
Ryan: "On the grass."
Me: "Good Job Honey!" Sweet. Now I don't have to go clean the deck.
To pack, or not to pack. That is the question...
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Question of the day
Ryan, "Yes!"
Great. At least we're moving.
Went to my parents house last weekend
Ahhhh! The rest, the food, the movie on the big screen downstairs, the sleeping in, and oh yeah, the photo lesson. Although I technically went there for the photo lesson, the other stuff was so great I think I might have to make a regular retreat out of it. (like how I invite myself Dad n' Mo?)
It was a great weekend for rest and very productive too. I went to Ana Cross Stitch who is carrying my stitch markers, met the ladies there and updated my inventory. Dad gave me the short and sweet for taking great photos of my product. Mo gave me a tripod. We ordered a light box to make a little table top photo studio. I am so official. I can't wait for it to get here.
All the while Jason, husband extraordinaire, was home taking care of Ryan and Sam. I think my favorite line of the weekend came from Jason as I was driving home. It went something like this:
"So you're on your way home?"
"Ya know how I always say I haven't done anything around the house, but I really have and I surprise you?"
"Well, just to warn you. This time I REALLY haven't done anything!"
Hee hee. I love it when he gets a taste of my daily life. I become SO COOL in his eyes!
Originally posted on on January 28, 2009
You know it was bound to happen eventually
Originally posted on on January 21, 2009
Funny Friday
Right now all three of us are wearing Santa hats because Ryan wants us to. Also, the pointy end with the ball on the end HAS to be facing back, apparantly. He is so funny. This is also an indictment of me since it is clearly not Christmas time anymore and all my decorations are still piled in the front room waiting for inspiration to be put away.
Another funny thing for today, well starting yesterday actually. I can't remember what I said, but Ryan thought it was funny and he said, "Thank you funny Mommy." And he has been saying it ever since. All day today when I get something for him, hand him something, or do something he wanted he says, "Thank you funny Mommy." Also thrown in there a couple times were, "thank you my funny."
He just cracks me up. I wonder how long this will last? As all cute things they do, I am sure it will pass soon and except for this blog, be forgotten. Another Mommy Bombeck for posterity.
Originally posted on on January 16, 2009Kids take things literally
On Saturday I went over to a girlfriends house to do one of my favorite things...organize! We spent the day laughing, working, cleaning and in general bringing order to chaos. I loved it. She even had a label maker! If only we'd had color coded rubbermaid tubs...
At lunch time we were eating burgers that her sweet husband got for us and my friend was reminding her kiddos to gather up their library books for return. Her youngest explained that he couldn't find his book. My friend said that if he didn't find the book they would have to pay for the book and so he'd better look harder. I think someone at the table maybe mentioned that you get in trouble if you don't return library books. Then my moment to shine...I chime in, "Yeah and they send the LBI's after you, the library bureau of investigators, and if you don't hand over the book, they send you to library jail." (Ok, so I'm an idiot, I know! But I thought it was funny) Her son didn't respond much and the conversation drifted to other things.
Later on in the afternoon as we were finishing up, he comes into the bedroom with a very concerned look on his face. "What's up?" my friend asks. Her son barely gets out "I can't find it Mom! I've looked everywhere! I DON'T WANT TO GO TO JAIL!!!" And bursts into tears!
Needless to say, I felt like a total schmuck. I must remember this for later on. Kids take things so literally!
Originally posted on on January 11, 2009If you can't laugh at yourself...Or Chicken Adobo
Originally posted on on January 9, 2009
My first blog. Ever
Mo says I have a knack for telling funny family stories and that I should write them down. She calls me "Mommy Bombeck" like Erma Bombeck (sp?). Since I don't know Erma or her writing I just trust Mo when she tells me that she was super funny.
So when I found this website and saw that I could post pictures and blog stuff I thought this might be a good way to get down my Mommy Bombeck stories. Of course I don't have any off the top of my head now. Probably because my head is full of my bed calling me for a nap, so maybe another time. It is enough to say for now that, soon, the good, the bad, and the ugly will be typed for all to read. Maybe it will be theraputic. Maybe it will bore people. I don't care. I just like doing something other than dishes, laundry and diapers for a few minutes of my day.
Originally posted on on January 9, 2009